Welcome to the Wisconsin Milk Haulers Association!
The WMHA was formed in 1957 by milk haulers who were concerned about their industry. Since that time the association has been successful in their legislative efforts. Following is a short list of what has been accomplished. To view all accomplishments, click the ‘About Us’ link above.
Each month, milk haulers move more than 2.4 billion pounds of raw milk from Wisconsin’s 6,500 dairy farms to one of the many processing plants across the state. Milk haulers are a key component of Wisconsin’s $45 billion dollar dairy industry and must ensure the transport of raw milk from farm to processor is performed in a safe, efficient and timely manner.
The Wisconsin Milk Haulers Association is designed to assist members in defining laws and changing laws to improve business operations as well as providing a venue to network and connect with other members and to educate.
Association Information
WMHA is a major source of information on agricultural and trucking matters. The WMHA is available to answer your questions or to assist with your problems on such matters as taxation, agricultural permits and regulations, transportation issues, workers and unemployment compensation, insurance issues, drug testing, and employment practices.
Membership Services
WMHA is a division of the Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association. As a result, WMHA members are eligible for numerous discount programs that are offered through the WMCA.
Convention/Truck Show
Every fall, the WMHA hosts a convention and truck show at various locations throughout the state. In addition to viewing the latest in milk hauling technology, there is an annual business meeting and seminar, along with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and cocktail receptions. Wisconsin has the only truck show for milk haulers in the United States.